Amiga Games: Greatest Hits 1996
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* `HTMLess' v2.1 *
* An OriginalWare release by *
* Troglobyte/Darkness *
$VER:HTMLess.doc v2.1 23.Jul.96 Troglobyte/Darkness
1. Introduction
2. Workbench usage and ToolTypes
3. CLI usage
4. History
5. Bugs
6. OriginalWare?
7. Also available...
8. Thanks to...
9. Credits
1. Introduction
HTMLess is just another utility to extract the text inside HTML files (Web
pages) and convert it to a readable text format.In April'96 I released
the first version, since them I received lot of EMails with bugs, ideas
and support who keep me busy developing and improving HTMLess, I released
4 improved versions, today (23.Jul.96) another release is ready: v2.1,
I hope this new version could fill the needs of everybody, my goal was a
small, eficient, fast, easy to use and reliable program to convert WWW HTML
pages to text files.I hope all you will find HTMLess useful.
The main features are:
- Fast, written 100% in assembler. (Even faster since v1.2, and the fastest
with the new in v1.3 CLI option -w or the ToolType WINDOW disabled)
- Small but powerful utility (only 12000 bytes long).
- CLI and Workbench usage.
- ToolTypes support. [New since v2.0]
- Admit filenames as CLI parameters (can be launched from a
DiskMaster/DirOpus type program to autoconvert HTML's).
- All non-ASCII chars are converted.
- Output text could be formatted to easy reading.
- Can keep [href's] (like WWW adresses) in the output text.
- .HTML or .HTM filename suffix could be changed to your own defined text
extension. [New since v2.0]
- The program will report any kind of errors.
- Very easy to use...just try it.
- WYSIAWYG (WhatYouSawIsAlmostWhatYouGet)
- Great results (complex AI routines used *8).
- HTML Lists converted to text lists.
- `HTMLess' is a wonderful name.
- No annoying requesters when starting/using/quitting program.
- It's OriginalWare (OriginalWhat?) and it's only Amiga (Yeah!).
The only requirement is the "ReqTools.library" by Nico Francois and Magnus
Holmgren who fortunately is continuing the development of the indispensable
reqtools library.
If you need a custom version of this program (for a personal necessity);
contact me and I will try to make a customized version for you (if it isn't
to difficult or too much work).
If you think the sources (100% assembler) could be useful for you (to include
in a program you are developing or for learning purposes) just contact me and
ask for them.
2. Workbench usage and ToolTypes
2.1 Workbench usage:
Just launch the program and use the file requester to select the HTML file to
load and to choose the name to save the text file.
(Since v1.1 this `complex' option works *8)
[New since v1.2]
The program will ask for another filename after saving the converted file,
when you don't have more HTML files to convert, Cancel or Close the file
requester to exit. (Use the icon ToolType SINGLE for just one use)
2.2 ToolTypes [New since v2.0]
The ToolTypes of the icon will be used as default configuration.
The ToolTypes are equivalent to the CLI options, but if used, all the CLI
options will prevail over the ToolTypes options.
COLUMNS=x Number of columns to format the text (x is a number, 0<x<9999)
(If x=0 the text will be `formated' like the original file)
HTTP Insert href's in the output text between "[...]" chars.
WINDOW Open a Workbench window to display info.This option is
incompatible with YAK commodity, if you use YAK disable this.
SINGLE Convert just one file and exit without asking for a new file.
AUTOSAVE Save the text without a file requester.
OVERWRITE Overwrite the original HTML file, so use with caution.
EXTENSION=text Add a text extension to the savename.
PATH=Dir Select the default start directory.
To disable options use brackets with the ToolType.
Example :
WINDOW Window enabled
(WINDOW) Window disabled
3. CLI usage
Just write the command `HTMLess' with your favourite options in any CLI/Shell
`HTMLess [?] [-Cxxxx] [-H] [-W] [-S] [-A] [-O] [-E...] [-P] [filename/path]'
Write just the options or the options and the path or filename (if not
filename is given or if there is any kind of problem a file requester
will be used with your defined path).
Options must be ahead of the file name and must be after a "-" char.
Options can be together or alone (-c20h or -c -h20), and written in capital
or small letters (-HC5, -hc5 or -hC5)
The -Etext option must be used separated from the others options (-hc5 -e.txt).
The available options are:
-h : if used "href's" will be removed.By default "href's" are included
in the output text between "[...]" chars.
-cXXXX : XXXX are 1 to 4 numbers (-c10,-c200,-c0080) to select the size of
the columns of the formated text (default size is 80 columns).
If the number is zero, text won't be formatted (-c0,-c0000)
[New since v1.2]
?, -? or -help : give CLI USAGE: info.
[New since v1.3]
-w : when used HTMLess window won't be opened.And the conversion will
be really faster; try it.Errors will be reported to the CLI
window, if it's opened.
-p : you can define the path to your favourite HTML directory
Used without [path] is useless.
[New since v2.0]
-s : Single use,
-a : AutoSave, save without a requester asking for the filename.
-o : Overwrite, use with caution, will overwrite original file.
-e.TXT : Add a text extension to the original filename (you define the text).
1. HTMLess -hc80 File1.html
Results : A text file "File1.text" without [href's] and formated to 80
columns will be saved.
2. HTMLess -h -c0040 File2.htm
Results : A text file "File2.txt" without [href's] and formated to 40
columns will be saved.
3. HTMLess -c0 File3.txt
Results : A text file with the same name "File3.txt" with [href's] and
unformated text will be saved.
4. HTMLess -p RAM:Temp/HTML (RAM:Temp/HTML is a path, not a file)
Results : File requester with the files in the directory: `RAM:Temp/HTML/...'
5. HTMLess -e.Document File4.html
Results : A text file with the name "File4.Document"
Common errors :
1. Options must be after a "-" char always.
BAD: HTMLess -h c80 File1.html
OK : HTMLess -hc80 File1.html
OK : HTMLess -h -c80 File1.html
2. Options must be ahead of the filename.
BAD: HTMLess File1.htm -c20h
OK : HTMLess -c20h File1.htm
4. History
Version 1.0 ( 1.April.1996) :
- First official release.
Version 1.1 ( 5.April.1996) :
- Fixed Workbench icon bug (Sorry about that stupid icon type error).
- All non-ASCII chars are supported now. (Not really, try v1.2)
- Improved conversion of HTML Lists (now are more readable).
- Some extra Line Feeds are removed (but not all, to make readable a lot
of not-very-standard HTML Web pages)
- A rarely Guru bug with small files fixed.
- Last char of the text isn't deleted now.
Version 1.2 (12.April.1996) :
- Even more speed: a lot faster when Fast memory is available. (Test it)
- You can convert several files without reloading HTMLess. (Otto von Ruggins)
- ">" by "}", and "<" by "{" bug removed. (Markus Krajewski)
- CLI Usage info. (Alfredo Soro)
- All non-ASCII chars are supported now (I said the same in v1.1 *8)
- Some rare and little system-unfriendly bugs removed.
- Improved conversion for some HTML commands ( </P>, <DT> y <H....>)
- Spaces removed at the end of lines.
- More helpful people included in this doc (Look: 6.Thanks to... *8)
Version 1.3 (16.April.1996) :
- New CLI option. -w : no window will be opened and the conversion is FASTER.
- New CLI option. -p : will permit define your own path as default dir.
- Problem with YAK commodity detected, but not fixed yet. (John Turgoose)
- Even more helpful people included in this doc (Look: 8.Thanks to... *8)
Version 2.0 ( 1.May.1996) :
- Added Workbench icon ToolTypes support (All the CLI options have a ToolType)
- Almost all the duplicated text titles are removed now.
- Bug fixed: filesize limit of 64 KB removed. (Markus Krajewski)
- Bug fixed: TABS (tabulator chars) are accepted. (Markus Krajewski)
- New WB/CLI option. -A : AutoSave, no save-filename requester.
- New WB/CLI option. -O : OverWrite original file! (Use with caution!)
- New WB/CLI option. -S : Single use, convert just one file and exit.
- New WB/CLI option. -E.text : Add a text extension to the filename.
- Still even more helpful people included in this doc (Read: 8.Thanks to...*8)
Version 2.1 (23.Jul.1996) :
- Lame Bug fixed: Now works without Fast RAM. (I.Gallego, G.A.Gomez & I.Sofke)
- Still even more helpful people included in this doc (Read: 8.Thanks to...*8)
ToDo List:
- Fix all the bugs that will be discovered by users (Don't try so hard *8)
- Fix the strange YAK BUG listed in `5. Bugs'.
- Display improved formated LISTS.
- Display improved formated TABLES.
- Option to convert bold and italic tags as ANSI.
- Option to convert HTML to RTF text
(useful for a future use in a word processor)
5. Bugs
[New since v1.3]
There is an unknown bug in some Amigas, looks like there is a compatibility
problem with the YAK commodity (thanks to John Turgoose for this info).So
try to disable/unload/stop/turn off YAK when using HTMLess.
The problem is a warning Guru (yellow) each time you run HTMLess, after
that you can't close the HTMLess window.Since v1.3 I included a new CLI option
(-w), when used HTMLess don't open his own window, but will report errors
to the CLI window, if it's open.As an added bonus with this option turned
on the conversion is a lot faster.
There isn't anymore KNOWN bugs at the moment in all the Amigas tested but...
If you find any bug or problem, contact me at the previous address.Please,
send me a detailed report of the problem and of your Amiga computer if
possible; thanks.
If you found the problem with a particular file, send me too a copy of
the file.
Don't forget to tell me the current version of my program you are using.
6. OriginalWare ?
This utility is OriginalWare.That means if you like this program you must
buy an original Amiga program or game, or send the money to the author of
any ShareWare program or game you are using often.
(This includes me, $5 or $10 will be welcome *8)
There are lots of great Amiga software like `DiskMaster', `Remind',
`MultiCX', `Spot', `ReqTools.library', `Deluxe Galaga', `APlayer' and a
lot more that you won't never regret to spend your money.
If you do this you support the Amiga, and if you support AMIGA you support
US.Support software authors and you will get more and better software.
This program could be included in any PD compilation at a symbolic price.
Aminet and Fred Fish collections are specifically allowed to include it.
This program could be freely included in any Web page or FTP site, but
send me an EMail to know it (I can include the address in this doc).
For using them in commercial products, my written permission is required.
Inclusion in magazines and diskmags will be allowed, if you send me a copy of
this publication.
7. Also available...
Others quality Amiga PD products available from me :
Aminet recent uploads :
HTMLess.lha v2.1 text/hyper 15K v2.1 Converts HTML files in text files.
DKSound.lha v2.2 util/boot 53K Changes Workbench Sounds at each boot.
MagiCA64.lha v1.1 misc/emu 6K Converts A64/64 files to MagiC64 format.
Progress.lha v1.0 demo/intro 73K In Progress/Darkness.1st at Euskal Party
Vectoram.lha v1.3 dev/misc 15K Draw and edit 2D vectors for demos/games
TheRace5.lha v1.5 game/2play 59K Great 100m Running game, 0-4 players.
Available soon:
ELF.lha v1.0 text/misc Erase Line Feeds.Use for Word Procesors.
FormaText.lha v1.0 text/misc Format texts to your chosen columns size
All them are 100% written in pure assembler for speed and are very system
friendly in all types of Amiga computers (or that is what I hope *8).
8. Thanks to...
First a very special THANK to Jon B. Peterson from San Angelo (Texas, USA),
for being the first (and only) ever person to send me some money for my work.
Alfredo Soro.es for the first ßeta testing.
Otto Von Ruggins for the first bug report and some tests.
Philippe Duchenne.be for reporting some bugs and interesting ideas.
Markus Krajewski.de for lots of bugs and nice ideas.
Geoff Milnes for another bug report.
John Turgoose.ca for the problem with the YAK commodity.
Jerome Chesnot.fr for EMail support, even "TheRace" support. (R.A.M. is great!)
David Cassidy.uk for don't forget me *8) .
Jose Vergara.es for Fido EMail support.
Andrew Bruno.au for EMail support.
Mikael Osterhed.it for EMail support.
Glenn Zieman for EMail support and suggestions.
Joerg Plate.de for EMail suggestions.
Derik Pyper.ca for nice EMail support.
Adriano Altorio.it for EMail support.
David de Groot.be for nice EMail support.
Dareen Enns for EMail suggestions.
Peter Soderber.se for EMail support.
Ignacio Gallego.es for the Fast RAM bug.
Gustavo Adolfo Gomez.ve for the Fast RAM bug and nice EMail..
Ivan Sofic.yu for the Fast RAM bug report.
Hipnooxis.es for ALL the help and show me to use and respect the Amiga O.S.
Knackosoft.de/TRSI for being my best `invisible' friend.
To the `Atletico de Madrid', the best football team in Spain.
To all the Amiga developers for all the new, fun and useful stuff.
To all the Amiga users (you!) worldwide for their trust in the Amiga.
To Amiga Technologies for continue the development of the Amiga...for a while.
To VIScorp for continue the development of the Amiga
To the Amiga...
9. Credits
All code © 1996 by Troglobyte/Darkness.
Send money ($), JOB offers, BUGS, comments, improvements, ideas, advices,
suggestions, mags, complains, and nice PD stuff (like Demos, Games or
M. Martin Vivaldi
Av. America 60
Madrid 28028
Or NetMail me at :
Internet : bitabit@servicom.es (Faster and safer)
FidoNet : 2:341/28.55 Manuel Martin
AmigaNet : 39:192/1.29 Manuel Martin
Only Amiga make it possible... Only Amiga make it fun.